Welcome to Seaside One!

Dear Seaside I Homeowners,

July 28, 2024

Good Morning,

I have noted that we have had a rather quieter summer all along 30a.  A recent memo that I get regularly from a rental company that is well regarded along 30a has indicated that our nearly 3 year decline in rental occupancy rates and average daily rates may soon stabilize (for all of 30a).   What has been happening is more homes in more places have been available for rent here, but more people have also elected to return to "normal" vacation patterns.   

Overall the average home has experienced a 35% reduction in rental income from the peak.

I wish it was all skittles and rainbows, but this mornings message is more about current challenges and findings of things we need to consider.

First, however, it is likely there will be meaningful board of directors change over this year in October.    We need some folks to CONTACT ME Richard Jabbour 850 231 1047 to discuss your possible service.    We are going to form by board action an emeritus committee of immediate past presidents and vice presidents as eligible to serve on that committee to make the process of transition easier.  Please contact me soon.

Our Access Control measures at Grove and Forest are proceeding.  Please do not think that any one thing we do today is a final solution for the next 40 years.  Remember, I live here everyday as do a few others and I am sure like me they are looking at things and thinking daily "what is wrong and how can we fix it?"   

You will see the work happening to put in LIFT ARM gate control bars at Forest and Grove.  Presently, the electric service is on order to be installed in the area on Forest and Grove so that we can power the control devices.    How they will operate and how they will work is a big set of options for us all.  Once installed we will then look at architectural designs to "hide" the mechanics.   Once installed we will reserve the right to use the control measures in ways that serve the Interest of the Seaside Residential Homeowners safety and quality of life.  We have many strategies to accomplish any number of objectives and this measure will be the most effective for the entire community and the wider 30a constituency as well as the Old Seagrove area that suffers from cut through traffic also.  If there are issues that arise we have other ways to control traffic that are less ideal than this, but more fully within our control.  These locations are not a through traffic point for those that do not have a destination in Seaside.   However, its abuse as a through traffic point has put us in our current state.   If you want to know technically all things regarding those locations just call.

Golf Carts are not allowed in Seaside Residential areas.  Over very quick intervals of time we will systematically step up enforcement with simple but effective processes to those processes that are 100% effective.  We have found an effective lower cost to the boot method.   Carts will be immobilized if found unattended on any residential street.   If you have a rental guest that rents a cart in way that is not allowed those carts will be 100% immobilized with no option to immobilize them unless they are being removed as immobilized but the cart company.   Only owners and ADA needs are accommodated.
Landscaping updates south of the Gate at the Pavilion remain ongoing.  Saw Palmettos have been added, and in the coming weeks as the season cools, there will be a comprehensive "weeding" to eliminate growth around the new plants of invasive material and to clean it up again.  We will then consider any next steps, but some next steps will certainly include the substantial lightening of the tree overgrowth to the west to let more light down to the ground as well as consideration of pleasant ground cover growth.

The Chess Folly in the Rosewalk area has had its stabilization repair.  What you see there now is not 100% complete but was necessary.  The pyramid roof Structure sat on some poorly executed wood beams that are still in place to some extent, but rotten wood and some other supporting structure was replaced.   The pyramid was un-level to the trained measurement but not the eye because of wood decay.  The previous architectural features will be considered soon, however, this wood structure is in decay now and does not have an indefinite life ahead.   There are no plans either being considered or approved to replace or repair the concrete seating and the chess board.  We have also discovered some wood posts in the ground that define the area paths that are in need of repair, replacement or elimination and I am studying the area to make a recommendation.   

We have noted that the Gazebo at the circle has a FAILING foundation.   The work we did earlier to replace the floor decking and recent work to add the connecting stairs along with the refurbishment of the soil base revealed a number of issues.   While we cannot detect in many structures including the homes, unhealthy trees and the Gazebo or even our own picket fences because to time some things take is longer than the time we spend here, the Gazebo foundation does need to be addressed and I would suggest SOON (probably in 2026).  There is a method being studied to replace the foundation.  The Gazebo is solid from the handrail up.   

Lastly, the road way work has not been as successful as we had hoped.   There are fewer and fewer conflicting ideas about what is going on there.  The design of the subsurface is not ideal.   If you want to know you can call.  Still that does not mean it is a do over....but it does mean that the straight laid pattern of the bricks on an east west line will change.  We are going to relay the bricks at some point in a herringbone pattern to mask what will be ongoing sub surface movement.     The Circle pattern while pleasing is also unstable.   It is not engineered with much forethought but we did not realize that the subsurface movement would have such and impact.  Overtime, that pattern will degrade and become messy.  We are going to have to consider if the pattern can stay and if so what really has to happen to make it stay in place and attractive.  There are methods to stabilize it.   

The good news is our area of 30a continues to have great white sand beaches and beautiful waters.   I hope you enjoy your time here, but I do want you to be aware this is a community we have to maintain and we are still a bit behind the age curve in a few remaining areas.

Please look at your own home and ask "is it is the proper condition?  Does it look good to others (clean and well kept...not opinion of design) ?  Is the fence in shape of obviously falling apart?  Is the fence straight and level?  Is the landscaping tidy and neat?" 

We each owe a duty to fellow owners to maintain our homes in 100% perfect condition as a goal.


Richard Jabbour


President -            Richard Jabbour - [email protected] – 850-231-1047
Vice President -    Joel Blackstock - [email protected] – 205-999-2905
Secretary -           Lois Glasgow - [email protected] – 214-533-1470
Treasurer -           Jeff Grant - [email protected] – 951-232-6510
Director -             Kerri Knotts - [email protected] – 832-294-5510